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Primary Products Inspectors nec - 311399


Primary Products Inspectors Nec inspect animals, plants and agricultural produce and facilities to ensure compliance with government and industry standards with respect to quality, health, and licensing.Note: this occupation group covers Primary Products Inspectors not elsewhere classified

Skill Level



  • Dairy Quality Assurance Officer
  • Fruit and Vegetable Inspector
Skills Assessment Requirements

Unless you are exempt in very limited circumstances, you are required to have a positive Skills Assessment to apply for the visas listed above.

Skills Assessment authority for Stockbroking Dealer is Vocational Education and Training Assess (VETASSESS). To have a positive skills assessment, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Qualification assessed at AQF Diploma level WITH a highly relevant field of study AND at least one year of post-qualification highly relevant employment at an appropriate skill level in the past five years;


  • Qualification assessed at AQF Diploma level WITH an additional qualificationat AQF Certificate IV in a highly relevant field of study AND at least one year of post-qualification highly relevant employment at an appropriate skill level in the past five years


  • Qualification assessed at AQF Diploma WITHOUT a highly relevant field of study AND at least two years of post-qualification highly relevant employment at an appropriate skill level in the past five years
  • Applicants must meet both the qualification and employment requirements to obtain a positive skills assessment
  • Applicants are advised to include a cover letter to justify the rationale in choosing the not elsewhere classified occupation group


According to VETASSESS, your pre-qualification experience may be considered in the skills assessment if it meets the following requirements:

  • 5 years of relevant pre-qualification employment; and
  • 1 year of highly relevant employment within the past five years
Group Title 3113 Primary Products Inspectors
Group Description

Inspect animals, plants and agricultural produce and facilities to ensure compliance with government and industry standards with respect to quality, health and licensing.


  • Inspecting animals, plants and agricultural produce to identify product quality issues, and providing advice to producers
  • Auditing and monitoring quality procedures at farms and food handling and processing facilities to ensure compliance with required standards
  • Testing samples of produce for quality, size and purity
  • Ensuring that required standards of hygiene are observed at storage, processing and packing facilities and in transport vehicles
  • Advising primary producers on economic aspects of disease eradication and informing producers and the general public of the health implications of diseases and impurities
  • Advising on the identification of pests and diseases and on regulations pertaining to grading, packing and loading of products
  • Examining imported plants and animals, and products, such as timber, seeds and dried fruits, and making quarantine arrangements
  • Patrolling and investigating waterways for unlawful fishing activities and the removal of protected marine life
  • Educating, advising and providing information on a wide range of topics relating to fish and their protection
  • May initiate or assist in legal action to enforce regulations

Skill Level

Most occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with the qualifications and experience outlined below.
In Australia:
AQF Associate Degree, Advanced Diploma or Diploma (ANZSCO Skill Level 2)In New Zealand:
NZ Register Diploma (ANZSCO Skill Level 2)

At least three years of relevant experience may substitute for the formal qualifications listed above. In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification.

Occupations in this Group

  • 311311 Fisheries Officer
  • 311312 Meat Inspector
  • 311313 Biosecurity Officer
  • 311314 Primary Products Quality Assurance Officer
  • 311399 Primary Products Assurance and Inspection Officers nec

How to calculate your points (skilled visas)

To apply for a skilled visa, you must determine your points score. The minimum required to be eligible is 65 points. However, depending on your occupation, the demand, and the state you are applying to, you may need a higher score to receive an invitation.

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