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Art Teacher (Private Tuition) - 249211


Private tuition Art teachers teach students in the practice and theory of art in private training establishments.

Skill Level


Skills Assessment Requirements

Skills Assessment authority for Art teacher (private tuition) is Vocational Education and Training Assess (VETASSESS). To have a positive skills assessment, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Three pathways for skills assessment by VETASSESS
    • Pathway A – Qualification(s) assessed at AQF Bachelor degree or higher degree with a highly relevant field of study and at least one year of post-qualification highly relevant employment at an appropriate skill level in the last five years
    • Pathway B – Qualification(s) assessed at AQF Bachelor degree or higher degree with an additional qualification at least Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Diploma level in a highly relevant field of study and at least two years of post qualification highly relevant employment at an appropriate skill level in the last five years
    • Pathway C – Qualification(s) assessed at AQF Bachelor degree or higher degree without a highly relevant field of study and at least three years of post-qualification highly relevant employment at an appropriate skill level in the last five yearS
  • Applicants must meet both the qualification and employment requirements to obtain a positive skills assessment
  • Note: For pre-qualification employment (if all of your employment is before your qualification assessed at the AQF diploma level), three years of highly relevant employment in addition to at least one year of highly relevant employment at an appropriate skill level in the last five years.
Group Title 2492 Private Tutors and Teachers
Group Description

Private Tutors and Teachers teach students in the practice, theory and performance of subjects, such as art, dance, drama and music, in private training establishments.


  • Planning programs of study for individual students and groups
  • Preparing and presenting material on the theory of the subject area
  • Instructing and demonstrating practical aspects of the subject area
  • Assigning problems and exercises relative to students’ training needs and talents
  • Assessing students and offering advice, criticism and encouragement
  • Revising curricula, course content, course materials and methods of instruction
  • Preparing students for examinations, performance and assessments
  • Keeping abreast of developments in the subject area by attending professional conferences, seminars and courses, reading current literature, and talking with colleagues
  • May arrange visits and tours to professional exhibitions and performances
  • May organise for exhibitions or performances of students’ work

Skill Level

In Australia and New Zealand

Most occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification. At least five years of relevant experience may substitute for the formal qualification. In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1).

Occupations in this Group

  • 249211 Art Teacher (Private Tuition)
  • 249212 Dance Teacher (Private Tuition)
  • 249213 Drama Teacher (Private Tuition)
  • 249214 Music Teacher (Private Tuition)
  • 249299 Private Tutors and Teachers nec

How to calculate your points (skilled visas)

To apply for a skilled visa, you must determine your points score. The minimum required to be eligible is 65 points. However, depending on your occupation, the demand, and the state you are applying to, you may need a higher score to receive an invitation.

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