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Economist - 224311


Economists perform economic research and analysis, develop, and apply theories about production and distribution of goods and services and people’s spending and financial behaviour, and provide advice to governments and organisations on economic policy issues.

Skill Level


Alternative Titles

  • Economic Analyst


  • Agricultural Economist
  • Econometrician
  • Economic Forecaster
  • Environmental Economist
  • Health Economist
  • Labour Market Economist
  • Mineral Economist
  • Taxation Economist
Skills Assessment Requirements

Unless you are exempt in very limited circumstances, you are required to have a positive Skills Assessment to apply for the visas listed above.

Skills Assessment authority for Economist is Vocational & Education Training Assessment (VETASSESS). To have a positive skills assessment, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Qualification assessed at Australian Bachelor degree or higher in a highly relevant field of study AND at least one year of post-qualification highly relevant employment at an appropriate skill level in the last five years
  • Applicants must meet both the qualification and employment requirements to obtain a positive skills assessment
  • A highly relevant field of study has a major focus on economics including the study of economic theory and the relationship to the production, distribution, and consumption of wealth
Group Title 2243 Economists
Group Description

Perform economic research and analysis, develop and apply theories about production and distribution of goods and services and people’s spending and financial behaviour, and provide advice to governments and organisations on economic policy issues.
Statisticians are excluded from this unit group. Statisticians are included in Unit Group 2241 Actuaries, Mathematicians and Statisticians.


  • Analysing interrelationships between economic variables and studying the effects of government fiscal and monetary policies, expenditure, taxation and other budgetary policies on the economy and the community
  • Researching, analysing and assessing the effects of labour market programs and industry policies and programs on economic growth, welfare, education and training
  • Investigating international and national economic situations, and particular features such as industries, regions and socioeconomic groups
  • Studying workplace issues such as enterprise bargaining and wage fixation, and the effect of workplace policies on productivity and economic growth
  • Analysing trends and advising on economic issues such as taxation levels, prices, employment and unemployment, imports and exports, and interest and exchange rates
  • Forecasting changes in the economic environment for short-term budgeting, long-term planning and investment evaluation
  • Formulating recommendations, policies and plans for the economy, corporate strategies and investment, and undertaking feasibility studies for projects
  • Preparing reports on research findings

Skill Level

Most occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1).

Occupations in this Group

  • 224311 Economist

How to calculate your points (skilled visas)

To apply for a skilled visa, you must determine your points score. The minimum required to be eligible is 65 points. However, depending on your occupation, the demand, and the state you are applying to, you may need a higher score to receive an invitation.

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