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Advertising Manager - 131113


Plans, organises, directs, controls and coordinates the advertising activities within an organisation.

Skill Level


Skills Assessment Requirements

Unless you are exempt in very limited circumstances, you are required to have a positive Skills Assessment to apply for the visas listed above.

Skills Assessment authority for Advertising Manager is Institute of Managers and Leaders International (IML). To have a positive skills assessment, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Where an applicant holds a relevant or industry-specific Bachelor’s or Master’s degree comparable to an equivalent AQF qualification, the applicant must have demonstrated employment experience:
    • in an advertising-related role for at least three years; and
    • in the role as Advertising Manager for at least two out of these three years.
  • Where the applicant does not hold a relevant or industry-specific Bachelor’s or Master’s degree comparable to an equivalent AQF qualification, the applicant must have demonstrated employment experience
    • in an advertising-related role for at least five years; and
    • in the role as Advertising Manager for at least two out of these five years.
  • The applicant’s employment experience as Advertising Manager must be consistent with the tasks outlined in the ANZSCO code at the bottom of this document
  • The applicant’s responsibilities as Advertising Manager must clearly be at a strategic level with decision-making authority for day-to-day operations of the organisation.
  • The applicant’s responsibilities must have included directing the employees’ activities and monitoring their performance and development on an ongoing basis.

Did you know?

As part of the assessment the applicant must demonstrate management and leadership experience by referring to the IML Management Competency Framework and selecting one competence from each of the three areas.

  1. Manage self
  2. Manage and lead others
  3. Manage and lead the business.

For each of the three competencies selected, the applicant must describe how they achieved these in 300 words or less using specific examples from their work experience.

Group Title 1311 Advertising, Public Relations and Sales Managers
Group Description

plan, organise, direct, control and coordinate advertising, public relations, sales and marketing activities within organisations.


  • directing the development and implementation of sales strategies and setting sales targets in order to maximise an organisation’s sales and customer loyalty
  • directing the development and implementation of strategies to promote an organisation’s goods and services to as many people as possible
  • directing the development and implementation of strategies to generate increased consumption of an organisation’s goods and services through the creation and reinforcement of ‘brand image’ or ‘brand loyalty’
  • directing the development and implementation of strategies to build and maintain an organisation’s image and reputation with its customers, investors and the wider public

Skill Level

Most occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification. At least five years of relevant experience may substitute for the formal qualification. In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1).

Occupations in this Group

  • 131112 Sales and Marketing Manager
  • 131113 Advertising Manager
  • 131114 Public Relations Manager

How to calculate your points (skilled visas)

To apply for a skilled visa, you must determine your points score. The minimum required to be eligible is 65 points. However, depending on your occupation, the demand, and the state you are applying to, you may need a higher score to receive an invitation.

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