If we take a look at the numbers, next year’s programme planning level comprises of:

  • 128500 places are reserved for skilled migrants, which include business migrants, general skilled and employer sponsored.
  • 60 885 places are for family migrants sponsored by family members in Australia residents who have retained close business, or have personal ties with Australia.
  • 565 places are for special eligibility migrants, which include former permanent residents who have cultural and personal ties with Australia.

The migration programme as usual is set by the Government annually and lists down the planning levels for permanent immigration to Australia. The migration programme aids Australia economically, through addressing instant and long-term skill shortages in the Australian workforce. It is a common problem as Australia faces skilled labor shortages and encourages immigration of skilled migrants.
  The size and composition of the whole programme is set after extensive long stakeholder consultation around Australia, and takes into account other factors such as net overseas migration, demographic, economic and labor market trends.


What has changed from before?


The overall size of the programme is still the same as it was before, but there have been some changes that have been made:

Some places have been moved into the employer sponsor category, which is intended to meet the instant to medium term skill shortages that remain in some industries in Australia. Employer sponsor category is a the best way to fill these skilled worker shortages. If the shortage is not met immediately, it will result in reduction of economic growth and productivity, which will affect the economy of the country. The skilled independent category has been reduced as people of Australia are worried that the direct competition with Australians in jobs will result in Australians having no jobs.

The Immigration trend has changed a lot and skilled migrants coming thorugh employer sponsor category have got a relaxation.